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Recently, The Owen Center partnered with Axis in order to provide a seminar that examined the technologies of screens and their strategies to keep us and our children looking. It offered practical steps to healthy conversations with your children about the screens in their lives.

This event featured a presentation by keynote speaker Russell Keller from Axis followed by a panel discussion answering your questions with Dr. Gary Spooner from The Owen Center and Dr. Sara Smith T from Opelika’s Pediatric Clinic.

You can now stream the entire presentation here:

Braden holds a Doctor of Educational Ministry (DEdMin) in biblical counseling from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2018, he received a Master of Arts of Christian Counseling and a Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC and holds a degree in Psychology from Mississippi State University with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy. He is a certified member of the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC) and is a Certified Christian Trauma Care Provider—Level 1. For the past ten years, he and his wife Victoria have worked in counseling ministries, adult Christian education, and special needs ministries. He and his wife have been blessed with four wonderful children. Through the Owen Center, Braden pursues a life-calling to serve Christ by cultivating the ministry of biblical counseling in the Auburn community.